Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm going to do it!

It's true! Here we are... I'm doing it! I've got a blog! Having a blog has truely been on my list of things "to do" for quite some time! The other morning I was feeling quite overwhelmed from all the " to do's" That I didn't know quite what "to do!" I was telling ME that "I don't have TIME to learn things, that I already need to know them now!" I walked into the pantry looking for my bannana muffin recipe (which reminded me of another "to do" item, organizing my recipes) and here is where I found my little book. Inside I read some quotes that I had written down someTIME ago! So here it is, my new "theme" for 2008!

"Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it.
People come to be builders, for instance, by building,
and Harp players by playing the harp. In the same way, by
doing just acts, we become to be just. By doing Self-controlled
acts, we come to be self-controlled, and by doing brave acts, we
come to be brave."

Just start marking those things off your list! This is my start! Maybe in a couple of days I'll figure out how to make it pretty, but for now I'm losing precious sleep TIME!


& company said...

go girl!!! you are on the right track...we can do it, life is great!!

jes said...

hey dawn- my mom gave me your address!! i'm excited to be seeing more of the everett fam!! soon i hope! this is a great start for your blog, i really like that quote. luv ya