Friday, April 25, 2008

Lets Celebrate Birthdays all Month Long!

I'm feeling like this little lady today that would get up to bear her testimony in church every fast sunday, she would always say " this is the birthday month of my sweet.."..and name the name of her child and so on and so forth. It seemed that every month was a birthday month! We would all take a deep breath and knew she meant the best. (take a deep breath now) Well, I have another birthday to tell YOU about today! I'm Posting late, even though her birthday has come and gone I'd like to wish my sweetie a:


Big 6, What a fun day! Thank-you Heavenly Father for letting such special girl come into our lives and add so much sunshine! Being your Mom is so rewarding!
Your sister Daisy did a great job at taking the following pictures:

"How does your garden Grow Marni?"

In my lovely garden my
summer squash are loving their square foot!

These are the "GARDEN GIRLZ" They come individually so that you can make a little garden Town.

Taking all the proper steps "Violet Bloom's" cottage is now in full Bloom! I'd have to say it looks so beautiful up on the book shelves where it gets some happy sunshine! Can you imagine What it would be like to live inside? Violet's favorite Hobby is Painting! Her card also says that she loves color, shes bright, and always loves to have fun! Rosie Bud Loves to sing, dance and play. Her fun spirit inspires all she meets. She is always making new friends and loves going to garden parties!
This Mom LOVES these fun toys and the DAD sometimes wishes I could just grab something Quick and go AND sometimes I have to REMIND him, that being a MOTHER takes time and KNOWING what kind of toys come into our home is so important! They have such a big impact on our Children! If your looking for something great and don't already have these I promise they are great fun! Maybe your shopping trip will be snappier than mine?????
Thank-you "Summit toys" for coming up with the- "GARDEN GIRLZ!"

Monday, April 14, 2008

A letter to My Hungry Hungry Bear

Dear Peyton,

A lot of work went into getting this award!! Good job Boy! The past couple of years have been so worth it and you have had many examples of great leaders! How fun it was to watch you put on those funny bear gloves and fumble around in all those leaves in search of all those gummy worms! You sounded just like a starving bear coming out of hibernation! Thanks for not poking me with the pin as you pinned it on my shirt! Thank-you for making me so happy that night and yes! I did hold back a couple of tears because I felt so very proud of you my boy, we were in the right place at the right time because of the good choices you made to work hard! I do have to apologize of my attitude. I had the attitude of going through the motions of scouts each week because thats just part of the program, and thats just what so many boys your age are doing. Scouts. (I don't think I had ever been to a pack meeting before your first pack meeting) as it came to the end where he had some goals to finish and the pressure was on I almost gave up son! I asked your Dad (whose an Eagle Scout by the way) "Do we care if he gets these Scout awards?" He cared! Thats why he came home from work early to help you that day! And So All day long, and I mean all day long I read and studied that Bear book figuring what goals you had already done and what you had left to do. I am so glad that I put a million other things off that day, let me tell ya! I am grateful for this program! After learning so much more about the"Scouts" program I am thrilled at what all it has to offer! This is the kind of training I want you to have!!! My attitude has completely changed and I will do much better in taking an active role in this program! It is the kind of Tool that helps a Mama in bringing up her little boy to be a well rounded man of God and a very fine husband and father! (just like your Dad!) Keep up the good work buddy! We have so many great times ahead of us!
Love you,

P.S. Happy Birthday! Has it really been 10 years already?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

At Conference Time

Our little family was asked to sing in church last Sunday (Random huh?) so we picked a song that really expresses how we feel about this blessed Conference Time!


Of all the Sundays of the year, the ones I love the best
are Conference Sundays twice a year, so different from the rest.
I gather with my family and feel the Spirit near
as I prepare to understand the messages I hear!

At Conference time, at Conference time, the Brethren teach me what to do.
So I can live in Happiness, at Conference time, and all year through.

The Scriptures are a History of prophets gone before
Their timeless words were written then to teach forever more.
But what an opportunity I have on Conference day
to hear a living Prophet who is showing me the way!

At Conference time, at Conference time, the Brethren teach me what to do.
So I can live in Happiness, at Conference time, and all year through.

I hear the special witnesses of Jesus Christ our Lord.
they testify of gospel truth and teach God's Holy Word.
So now when Conference time is past, the thing for me to do
is follow well what I've been told, and prove that it is true!

At Conference time, at Conference time, the Brethren teach me what to do.
So I can live in Happiness, at Conference time, and all year through!
At Conference time, and all year through!

We thought we'd miss having T.V. in our home when it came to times like Conference! (and Ballgames) We did not miss it a bit, Infact we had more options this year without T.V. than we did when we had it! One of the places we caught conference was LIVE HERE. Hope you'll get to listen if you haven't already!